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Your Nail Experts

We are your experts in nail health with the most comprehensive treatment programmes available, including the Lunula Cold Laser.

New Zealand's leading nail experts

Foot Foundation is your expert in treating nail conditions and improving nail health with the most comprehensive treatment programmes available, including the Lunula® Cold Laser

We understand nail issues can reduce your confidence in wearing open-toe shoes or bare feet due to thickened, discoloured or irregularly shaped nails – we also know there are treatments available.

Treatments Offered

Lunula Cold Laser

Lunula® cold laser is a low-level laser that delivers proven results. Grow clear and healthy toenails with no pain, no downtime and no risk with this safe laser therapy. Say goodbye to embarrassing and unsightly fingernail or toenails.

Keryflex Nail Restoration

KeryFlex Nail Restoration is a painless application that restores the appearance of your natural nails. With Keryflex, our Foot Foundation clinicians can remodel damaged nails affected by fungus, defects or trauma. KeryFlex is an immediate cosmetic improvement providing a natural-looking nail. Acetone, nail polishes or detergents can be used with Keryflex.

Onyfix Nail Bracing

The Onyfix nail correction system is a completely painless, versatile and innovative treatment for almost all forms of involuted and ingrown toenails.

Your foot care expert adapts the system individually and fixes it to your nail, which is then brought back into its natural shape as it grows. The whole process is pain-free, during application and throughout the entire treatment!

General Nail Care

If your nail has become thickened or hard to self-manage, our Foot Foundation clinicians can help to debride or trim your nails. Book your appointment today.

Dr Remedy Consultation

Nail polishes that can also provide enriched care? Dr Remedy’s Enriched Nail Care collection stands apart from regular nail polishes for its wellness-inspired approach to realising and maintaining strong, healthy nails without harmful chemicals. Our clinicians can provide reputable advice on the most appropriate Dr Remedy products for your nails.


For severe or recurrent nail issue, a surgical approach may be appropriate. Foot Foundation uses three different surgical procedures, which are chosen on a case-by-case basis. These include:

  • Removing the entire nail (total nail avulsion),

  • Removing a side of the nail (partial nail avulsion) or

  • Removing a small section of the nail (debridement).

Surgery is best combined with supplementary treatment to ensure improvement in healthy nail growth.

Your foundation

Whatever your nail condition, we have a solution that fits. Contact us to discuss your nail problem today.

With four state-of-the-art facilities in Auckland City, Hamilton, Tauranga and North Shore, you can be sure you're getting the best treatment for your foot condition, to put the bounce back in your step.